Understanding What Can Cause Eye Irritation From Contact LENSES

Some of us get red eye every now and then, but it’s usually temporary, and nothing to worry about. Check the items below to see if they could be the cause:

  • Being tired
  • Allergies
  • Wearing lenses longer than recommended
  • Sensitivity to materials/solutions

IMPORTANT: If your eyes are red and you’re experiencing pain or impaired vision, you should contact your eye care professional immediately.

How To Avoid Eye Irritation And Maintain Comfort

Your eyes naturally have a layer of moisture, but sometimes your lifestyle can throw this balance off. Here are a few situations where you can stay on top of things:



1. Wash your hands and put on your contact lenses before you put on your makeup.

2. You may want to try water-resistant mascara and eyeliner to prevent flaking or smudging.

3. Hypoallergenic, oil-free makeup removers are the best choice when wearing contact lenses.

4. When you go to the salon, leave your lenses at home. Hairspray, getting your hair colored or perms can damage your contact lenses.

5. Don't wear makeup (or put on your lenses) if your eyes are swollen, red or infected.



1. Take a break! Staring at your screen for too long can affect your eyes’ balance. Try readjusting about every 20 minutes.

2. Adjust your seat. Hovering over your screen or sitting too close can strain your eyes.

3. Don’t work in the dark. The difference in brightness between your screen and the area behind it can cause eye stress and discomfort.

4. Remember to blink. It sounds obvious, but when you’re on a computer, you blink five times less.

5. Germs can live on your laptop, so don’t handle your contact lenses before washing your hands.



1. Pack light. Carry travel size contact lens solution and rewetting drops just in case. Airlines usually allow up to 100ml of solution.

2. Stick to your schedule. It’s important to stay on track with replacing your lenses, even if you’re in a new time zone.

3. Those cups in hotel rooms aren’t a good choice for storing your lenses. Always keep your lenses in a clean contact lens case.

4. Be prepared. Bring along two extra pairs of contact lenses in case you lose or damage your current pair.

5. Do not wash your contact lenses and the lens case with tap water. Make sure you carry enough solution with you for the trip.

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